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GenomiqueENS - IBENS
46 rue d'Ulm
75005 Paris
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Email : genomique[at]


The report contains exhaustive information about the sequencing run, basecalling and demultiplexing steps => read count and length distributions, homogeneity of the run, location of potential flow cell spatial biases, statistics about pass and fail reads, data by barcodes ...

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ToulligQC 2.7 => is fast (few minutes on a laptop) => supports all versions of Guppy and Dorado => can be used with all the @‌nanopore
sequencing devices hashtag#MinION hashtag#GridION hashtag#PrometION => accepts POD5, Fast5, FASTQ, BAM etc..

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Pleased to announce our QC tool for @nanopore sequencers is available as a @nf_core module 🎉
Implemented in Nextflow, users can modulate ToulligQC to their need!

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